Inspired by this thread, I started playing CSBwin again. My second time
through the dungeon. Here's my story so far...
I decided to reincarnate the party instead of ressurrecting like last
time. Found out that you gain low levels extremely fast in CSB - great,
since low level party doesn't have much chance there .
I chose the four skeleton/dead champions to be my party for style
rather than pure ability (though Plague IS among the best characters,
IMHO). Gave them names after the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse: War,
Plague, Famine and Death (Pestilence was too long, so she had to settle
on her own name as a synonym ).
Plague and Famine are my magickal mainstays. War and Plague hold the
front fighting ranks. Death and Famine are the back row.
Death isn't good in much of anything though... He's geared mostly to a
fighting role, but War and Plague do that better. Will need to train
him in the future in the magick arts (merely craftsman everything)
*** begin spoily part ***
Since I re-incarnated, I've been mostly doing the easier stuff to train
them up. Snatched bottle which I still rememebered was there even from
last time playing. Supplies for the quick, the works. Started junction
with Neta as per good suggestion here. Sliced the screamers carefully,
generated an Oitu on purpose to test it's strength. Decided NOT to do
that again ... Paid my respects to the worms in the basement. And I
hate that inifinite muncher room... And finally the Poison circle...
Strangely I found out that the poison blobs didn't do anything at all
to my characters! Bug?
Dropped down a pit to slay some swamp things. Began really miss the
Amiga wall-thump when looking for that switch behind illusionary
wall... Up to DDD and decided not to do that yet. Back to junction.
Big bad monsters in Ku, so we'll leave that for awhile. Onto Ros. Throw
things, snatch cape and see knights! Panic, pull switch. Whoah, lot's
of rock piles. Luckily they're not very dangerous... Only tedious. More
knights! Panic again, dance in 2x2 room. All dead, phew.
Trade onxy key for dex-helm and stock up on some food with the other
worms in the basement. Yum. Play in the weird illusionary wall maze.
Whatever is that thing's purpose anyway? Useless. Feh.
Death Row, make note to drop for a visit later. Scorpions. Luckily
these can be dealt with the fireball launcher. Snatch gem,
close-door-dodge fireballs and up the stairs and... Oops. Illusionary
wall dragon den. Well, Ros was fun while it lasted. Back to Junction
via the pit near the mummies.
Unload a heck of alot stuff to the junction. Good to be unburdened
Mana's refills itself while sorting the inventorys. Good. Ku is still
scary, so let's try Dain, though there's plenty scary stuff here too,
but the beginning can't be bad, can it? (oh, how wrong I was... )
Hmm. Dead end corridor with demon face... I wonder if it would like to
eat this rock that was nearby... HOLY BEJEEZUS!!!! *click* *click*
*click* ...
Thankfully both my click rate, hp and mana was barely enough to survive
that encounter... Everyone had only a dozen hps left and mana was burnt
out. 4 cure poisons and that's it. Barely enough for couple Lo Vi's...
Now that I've finished recording our journey this far, it is time to
rest and recouperate from the last encounter....
Maybe I'll write this in story format later, like the Conflux
stories... Maybe not. But CSB is every bit devious and fun as I
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