GPDL Assignment Statements

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An assignment statement assigns a value to a variable using the equal sign. Example:

  $FUNC abc ( x )
    $IF ( $NOT ( $EQUAL ( x , "Dagger" )))
      x = "Knife" ;   // Example of assignment
    } ;
    $RETURN x ;
  }  abc ;

In this example, the variable to which a value is assigned is the formal parameter of the function. The variable, 'x', is set to "Knife" unless it started out as "Dagger". Its value is then returned as a result of calling the function 'abc'.

Again, all data in GPDL consists of strings. The compiler accepts integers as literal data but converts them to strings without warning. Examples:

x = 3 ;   equivalent to   x = "3" ;
x = 03 ;  equivalent to   x = "3" ;
x = 0xA ; equivalent to   x = "10" ;  // Hexadecimal

Notice that the assignment statement does not result in a value. Unlike 'C', you cannot use an assignment statement in an expression:

  x = (a = b);   // Compile error
  $IF ( x = y )  // Compile error