Placing Walls

3D View

In this method of placing walls, you 'walk' around the design as if you were playing the game and put walls to your left, right, and front.

There are several ways of placing a wall in the 3-d view:

The three buttons below the 3-d view are labeled 'Left', 'Front Wall', and 'Right'. The first letter of each of these commands can be used to place the walls from the keyboard. The walls are placed in the space you are currently 'occupying', to your left, front, and right, respectively.

f you have 'KwikKlik' enabled then you can also place walls using the mouse in the 3-d view. The view is divided into 3 equal horizontal stripes and the center stripe is made up of 5 equal squares. The 5 squares from left to right represent:

You place a wall by left-clicking the appropriate square and delete a wall by right-clicking. All much easier done than said.

No matter what method you use, placing a wall can mean either placing a single wall on one side of one room or it can mean placing two identical walls back-to-back. The choice is made by 'checking' or 'un-checking' the 'Place Wall on both Sides' option in the 'Mode' menu.

2D Map

There are two basic ways of placing walls in your design using the 2-d map.

In the first method, you use the left mouse button to place a wall in a given square. Which of the four walls is determined by your orientation in the 3-d view which is also reflected by the orientation of the small, white arrow in the 2-d map.

So, if the arrow is pointing south and you click in square 5,9 then the wall is inserted on the south side of square 5,9.

If 'KwikKlik' is enabled then the orientation of the arrow is ignored. You place a wall by left-clicking on the four sides of the square. The square is divided into four triangles by two diagonal lines and the position of the resulting wall is determined by which of those four triangles the mouse is pointing to.

In KwikKlik mode, you can also place walls by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse cursor where you want walls to be placed. If you hold down the 'H' key while dragging the cursor you will place only horizontal walls. If you hold down the 'V' key while dragging the cursor you will place only vertical walls.

As always, placing a wall can mean either placing a single wall on one side of one room or it can mean placing two identical walls back-to-back. The choice is made by 'checking' or 'un-checking' the 'Place Wall on both Sides' option in the 'Mode' menu.

In both methods, the right mouse button may be used to delete a wall.

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