

===== spell: Entangle|Ranger =====

SA: spell_Entangle

--script: CharDisplayStatus

--script: InvokeSpellOnTarget

--script: SpellLingerBlockage

--script: GeneralDispell

***** TEMPLAR40 casts Entangle|Ranger on Giant Rats *****

We run:

..spell: Entangle|Ranger

--SA: spell_Entangle = druid

----script: InvokeSpellOnTarget

  • attaches IsEntangled0 to the target

----script: CharDisplayStatus

  • sets display to "" so as not to show the SE and the status for the now attached SA

----script: SpellLingerBlockage

  • returns "N" is target has SA IsEntangled1

--SE: Entangle|Ranger

monster: Giant Rat

..SA: IsEntangled0

----script: ComputeDamage

----script: Dispell

----script: IsCombatReady

..SE: Entangled|Ranger

***** TEMPLAR40 casts Entangle|Ranger on Warrior40 (Paragon40) *****

We run:

..spell: Entangle|Ranger

--SA: spell_Entangle = druid

----script: InvokeSpellOnTarget

  • attaches IsEntangled1 to the target

----script: CharDisplayStatus

  • sets display to "" so as not to show the SE and the status for the now attached SA

----script: SpellLingerBlockage

  • returns "N" is target has SA IsEntangled1

--SE Entangle|Ranger

combatant: Warrior40 (Paragon40)

..SA: IsEntangled1

----script: CharDisplayStatus

----script: Dispell

----script: GetAdjMaxMovement

..SE: Entangled|Ranger

***** When the Giant Rat is about to attack *****

We run: GiantRat



  • That script returns "N"

----script: CharDisplayStatus

  • "IsEntangled0"

monster: Giant Rat

..SA: IsEntangled0

----script: ComputeDamage

----script: Dispell

----script: IsCombatReady

----script: CharDisplayStatus

..SE: Entangled|Ranger

***** When it's Warrior40s turn *****

We run:

..combatant: Warrior40


----script: GetAdjMaxMovement

  • movement is reduced by half

----script: CharDisplayStatus

  • "IsEntangled1"

combatant: Warrior40 (Paragon40)

..SA: IsEntangled1

----script: CharDisplayStatus

----script: Dispell

----script: GetAdjMaxMovement

..SE: Entangled|Ranger

-----script: Dispell SE

===== spell: Dispell =====

..SA: dispell =

----script: InvokeSpellOnTarget

***** AVATAR40 casts Dispell on Giant Rats *****

We run:

..spell: Dispell

--SA: dispell

----script: InvokeSpellOnTarget

  • It runs target (Giant Rat) scripts named "Dispell"; IsEntangled0 contains "Dispell" which runs and removes the SA named 'IsEntangled0'.

  • It runs the target's SE scripts named 'Dispell SE' using $RUN_CHAR_SE_SCRIPTS(). So the 'Entangle' script by that name removes the SE

----script: SpellLingeringScripts

  • It returns the value “GeneralDispell”

monster: Giant Rat

..SA: none

..SE: none

And here are the scripts themselves:

name = dispell
[InvokeSpellOnTarget] = $VAR targ;
targ = $IndexOf($TargetContext());
$DEBUG("Dispelling" + $GET_CHAR_NAME( $IndexOf($TargetContext()) ));
$RUN_CHAR_SCRIPTS( targ, "Dispell" );
$RUN_CHAR_SE_SCRIPTS ($TargetContext(), “Dispell SE”);

[SpellLingeringScripts] = $RETURN “DispellLinger”;
name = Global_Dispell
[Dispell] = $DEBUG("Global Dispell");
name = IsEntangled0
[CharDisplayStatus] = $SET_HOOK_PARAM( 7, "IsEntangled0" );
[ComputeDamage] = $RETURN $GET_CHAR_HITPOINTS($IndexOf($TargetContext())) +# 1;
[Dispell] = $CALL_GLOBAL_SCRIPT( "Global_Dispell", "Dispell" );
[GetAdjMaxMovement] = $RETURN "0";
[IsCombatReady] = $VAR duration;
duration = $SA_PARAM_GET();
$IF ($GET_PARTY_TIME() >=# duration)
                $RETURN "Y";
name = IsEntangled1
[CharDisplayStatus] = $SET_HOOK_PARAM( 7, "IsEntangled1" );
[Dispell] = $CALL_GLOBAL_SCRIPT( "Global_Dispell", "Dispell" );
[GetAdjMaxMovement] = $RETURN $SA_PARAM_GET();
name = spell_Entangle
[CharDisplayStatus] = $SET_HOOK_PARAM( 7,"");
[Dispell] = $CALL_GLOBAL_SCRIPT( "Global_Dispell", "Dispell" );
[InvokeSpellOnTarget] = $VAR tgt;
tgt = $IndexOf($TargetContext());
  {$SET_COMBATANT_SA($TargetContext(),"IsEntangled0",$GET_PARTY_TIME() +# 10);
$DEBUG("spell invokes Entangled0");}
  {$SET_COMBATANT_SA($TargetContext(),"IsEntangled1",$GET_CHAR_MAXMOVE(tgt) /# 2);
$DEBUG("spell invokes Entangled1");};
[SpellLingerBlockage] = $IF ($GET_COMBATANT_SA($CombatantContext(),"IsEntangled1") != "-?-?-"){$RETURN "N";};
[DispellLinger] = $RETURN “AREA”;

The 'Dispell' works well for removing the 'Entangled' Special Abilities from the affected combatants but it leaves the engine's hard-wired Spell Effects attached to the affected combatants. Also, the display still shows the lingering effect in the form of 'wavering vines'. These are the problems:

  1. We need a way of removing the engine's Spell Effects for those combatants within the range of the Dispell' spell. This is done when 'Dispell' script 'InvokeSpellOnTarget' is executed. That script ises $RUN_CHAR_SE_SCRIPTS to cause the spell causing each of the combatant's Spell Effects to run a script named “Dispell”. 'Entangle|Ranger' has such a script and it causes the global script Dispell (attached to global SA 'Global_Dispell) to run. That global script, in turn, uses $REMOVE_SPELL_EFFECT to delete the associated Spell Effect.

  2. We need a way to remove the lingering spell-effect graphics. The 'Dispell' spell has a area circle effect. It has a script named “SpellLingeringScripts” which returns the value “DispellLinger”. The spell “Entangle|Ranger has a script named DispellLinger which returns the value “AREA” which causes the lingering spell effects and graphics to be removed in the area affected by the spell “Dispell”.