The Design Editor: Mode

Place Walls

This selection allows designers to enter wall placement mode. To place a wall, click on the desired border between cells or by maneuvering the cursor to the desired location and pressing 'Place Wall'. Whether or not the wall is placed on both sides of the border or just one, is determined in Editor Options in this same menu. The Wall Editor can be accessed by hitting the 'Select Wall Slot' button, or by using the keyboard short-cut, CTRL+W.

Place Events

This option allows the designer to enter event placement mode. Events are placed by clicking on a cell in the map view, or by maneuvering the cursor to a particular cell and pressing 'Place Event'. The Event Editor may be called at any time by using the keyboard short-cut CTRL+E.

Place Global Starting Location This option is used for placing the starting location for the design. The desired starting position may be chosen by clicking on the desired cell or by maneuvering the cursor to a particular cell and pressing 'Place Start Loc'.

Place Backdrop

This selection allows designers to enter backdrop placement mode. Backgrounds are placed by clicking on the desired cell or by navigating to a particular cell and hitting 'Place Backdrop'. The Backdrop Editor may be opened by hitting 'Select Backdrop' or by using the keyboard short-cut CTRL+B. Backdrops may be placed on all four sides of the cell or on only one side depending on the settings in the Editor Options in this same menu.

Place Zones

The option allows the designer to enter zone placement mode. Zones are placed by clicking on the cell you wish to place them in, or by navigating to the cell and pressing 'Place Zone'. The Zone Editor may be accessed by pressing 'Select Zone'.

View as Area Map

When toggled on (indicated by a checkmark next to it), the option shows an area map as the player of the design would see it. When this selection is unchecked, the designer will see the 3D window that shows what the player will see in 3D mode.

Topmost Window

When toggled, this selection makes the Dungeon Craft editor the topmost window of the stack.

Run UAF Config

This option runs the UAF Config utility if you have it installed.

Configure Game Screen Res
This option opens a window for the designer to choose which resolution she would like to use for the editor and whether or not to apply it to her designs including the one currently open.

Editor Options

This selection allows the designer to choose whether 7 different settings are turned on or off that control the way the editor functions. It also allows her to set the editor resolution, which is different from game screen resolution. The editor resolution is the size of the editor window and how large the work area appears, but does not change the screen resolution.

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