May 1, 2005

Ellyn Kroupa

Dear, DEAR Ellyn, I realized I had to make a May basket award for you the day you had the luncheon at your house and I lapsed into my reverie about how all the people coming to our aid at the time of Heather's accident made us feel like God was carrying us in His hands. Just like Wendy, you are so humble and generous of spirit, you never acknowledged that it was your effort that made such a huge difference in our lives at that difficult time. Here's how I remember it: You collected all the names of people who had sent cards or phoned and offered to help. Then you called them and told them what to do to be helpful. You arranged for some to visit me in the evenings while Paul was at the hospital and keep me back from the brink of total despair. You had some bring us meals. I didn't cook for three months. You had some sit with me at Heather's side during the time when I was not allowed to touch her. You arranged for the Eleven Wonderful Women who came and stayed with Heather at the hospital at times throughout the week when Paul and I couldn't be there. This arrangement continued for the entire eleven months Heather was hospitalized. Those eleven wonderfuls allowed me to give some time to my infant and my elderly parents, and they allowed Paul and I to relax knowing one good person was totaly committed to Heather at those times. And, of course, you yourself were one of the Wonderful Women. And then, as if all the above weren't heavenly enough, you brought us a beautiful, wonderful, delicious gourmet meal every week, month after month, after month. That period was the most difficult of our lives. It could have destroyed us completely. But because of your efforts and your loving support of our family it was instead a time of growth and strengthening. You, Ellyn, are truly one of God's people. And because of the beautiful difference your love made in our lives I award you the


From your Loving Friend,

Dianne Stevens

1301 Reetz Road

Madison, Wisconsin 53711

608 271 2179