Wendy Benton Knaupp

May Day Award

for Forgotten Kindness

May 1, 2018

Dear Pat,

I am writing to you for forgotten kindness. Here are some things I remember about you since meeting you in 1968.

A very traumatic time in 1972 as my dad was in UW Hospital, your family offered a place to stay to be close by.

All your kindness to Vern as you worked side by side with him.

Your generosity one Thanksgiving when I was sick in bed and you had Vern and the girls for dinner.

Being so kind and considerate at the time of Vern's death in 1997.

Remembering our many trips to Galena to visit our mutual friend Dorean.

Reaching out to me when I moved to my new environment in Madison by stopping in the salon to visit me.

Phoning me every so often to ask how I was doing.

A memory of your overall concern and kindness for my family. You never forgot to ask about Laurie and Lisa and their families.

Thank you for having me remember such precious memories.

You are receiving this May Day Award from me as I consider you the most caring and conscientious person I know.


Your Friend,
