May 2009
The Wendy Benton May Day Award
"Friends fill your Life with joy,
your soul with sunshine,
and your heart with love ''
"Wink'' Scharnke is the 2009 recipient of the Wendy Benton May Day Award.
Wink is a very special woman. Her thoughtful deeds range from organizing the La Follette High School Spirit Club sales and activities, to coordinating appreciation and athletic dinners at the school. She is known for making, delivering and setting up teemed party decorations, hosting wonderful parties (Pig Roasts, mmm) for her family and friends, to caring for her patients and colleagues at work.
Wink is selfless in her desire to share her time and talents with others. If or when there is a need, she will be there before even being asked for help. She supports entire projects on her capable shoulders and works tirelessly on any task she undertakes. She is uniquely creative, strongly committed and highly organized. Her well developed sense of humor insures that she always looks on the bight side and her cheerful attitude is spread to those who are privileged to be around her. Wink is a woman liked by all and treasured by many people who are honored to call her "friend''.
Wink...wife, mother, daughter, sister, nurse, friend....because of the many ways she enriched lives of others, it is my pleasure to select her for this award.
Mary Daly
P.S. l'd like to take this opportunity to thank Deb Slotten for nominating me last year. It is the highest honor to be selected by a woman that is so greatly admired by so many people.