This family history site is dedicated to Thelma and Harold and Mary who would have loved to know their grandchildren, and to Lester who survived Correigidor and Bataan and 2 years in a Japanese prison camp only to die at sea, the victim of an American torpedo, and to Eve who buried five babies in the Minnesota frontier and then died herself, and to Christina who raised 15 kids without running water and lived to tell about it, and to all the women who worked at endless tasks to be remembered only by their first names, and to John who lived to be 108 years old, and to all those babies that died, and to everyone whose name can no longer be found. It is dedicated to all the men and women and children that have come before us that their time on earth might be honored and their stories kept alive. It is offered as a gift to the many who will come after us that they may remember their heritage. It is a gift in particular for Sarah, Hannah, Timmy, and Becky, that they might hear America's stories and say, "My family was there."
This site is both a labor of love and a work in progress. We tried to get permission from sources where it seemed appropriate. We have published the names of living people only with their permission. I have just begun to write up the many stories that I hope to share, so I know there will be my versions of this family history in the future. In the meantime look for Ephriam Derrick, Elzora Maud Pierce, William Levi, and Helen White. They are some that already have stories. If you see errors large or small please Email us or leave a note in the guestbook. We want our genealogy to be as complete and accurate as possible.
Dianne and Paul
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