Defining Champions
The following description of the text that one places in the cell in
front of a Champion's Portrait in order to define that Champion's
strength, etc. was written by ArgentumLupus and
edited for consistency by me, Paul Stevens. I take responsibilty
for any errors. Please report them to me.
Ok, here's the results of
my research. if you can call
it that.
Let's use Hissssa as an example,
because he's cool.
Razz: His text string is:
We know what HISSSSA and LIZAR OF
MAKAN are. The slashes are just
separators, M is his gender.
(Incidentally, I noticed Wuuf is
female. It's probably just creepy
deja vu again but I could swear
I've known that for years.
Even so, is anyone else really
surprised by this?)
Anyway. Hissssa's first section
(AAFAACGCAAAF) breaks down
into AAFA, ACGC, and AAAF. They
represent his max Health,
Stamina, and Mana values. Using
four bits for each letter,
starting at 0000 for A:
AAFA = 0000-0000-0101-0000 =
0x0050 = 80 (Health)
ACGC = 0000-0010-0110-0010 =
0x0262 = 61.0 (Stamina)
AAAF = 0000-0000-0000-0101 =
0x0005 = 5 (Mana)
The second section
(CIDKDACDCDCLDH) determines Luck, Strength,
Dexterity, Wisdom, Vitality,
Anti-Magic, and Anti-Fire,
breaking down into
CI = 0010-1000 = 0x28 = 40 (Luck)
DK = 0011-1010 = 0x3a = 58
DA = 0011-0000 = 0x30 = 48
CD = 0010-0011 = 0x23 = 35
CD = 0010-0011 = 0x23 = 35
CL = 0010-1011 = 0x2b = 43
DH = 0011-0111 = 0x37 = 55
The third section
(EDAAADBAAAAAAAAA) breaks down thusly:
E = 0100 = 4 = Hidden Fighter 1
D = 0011 = 3 = Hidden Fighter 2
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Fighter 3
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Fighter 4
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Ninja 1
D = 0011 = 3 = Hidden Ninja 2
B = 0001 = 1 = Hidden Ninja 3
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Ninja 4
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Priest 1
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Priest 2
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Priest 3
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Priest 4
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Wizard 1
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Wizard 2
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Wizard 3
A = 0000 = 0 = Hidden Wizard 4
PS- Thanks for pointing me to
that function. It was
actually a huge help knowing the
size of the groupings,
and I really wouldn't have ever
found it by myself. [
P.P.S. Argent is referring to the function 'EncodePortraitText' which
is part of the file 'EditText.cpp' in the CSBuild sources.
The following conversion table was provided by zoooom:
Letter 4th 3rd 2nd 1st
A 0
0 0 0
B 4096 256 16 1
C 8192 512 32 2
D 12288 768 48 3
E 16384 1024 64 4
F 20480 1280 80 5
G 24576 1536 96 6
H 28672 1792 112 7
I 32768 2048 128 8
J 36864 2304 144 9
K 40960 2560 160 10
L 45056 2816 176 11
M 49152 3072 192 12
N 53248 3328 208 13
O 57344 3584 224 14
P 61440 3840 240 15
Example: DECK = 12288 + 1024 + 32 + 10 = 13354
Example: AN = 0 + 13 = 13
Example: FINE = 20480 + 2048 + 208 + 4 = 22740