Object-Type Constants

There are 16 possible 'classes' or types of objects. Several DSA command require a 'mask' of the object types of interest. For example, you may wnat only to examine weapons and scrolls. In that case, you would use a mask of ( 0x0020 + 0x0080 = 0x00a0 ) ( or 32 + 128 = 160 ).

Object type Hexadecimal mask Decimal Mask Description
0 0x0001 1 Door
1 0x0002 2 Teleporter
2 0x0004 4 Text
3 0x0008 8 Actuator
4 0x0010 16 Monster
5 0x0020 32 Weapon
6 0x0040 64 Clothing
7 0x0080 128 Scroll
8 0x0100 256 Potion
9 0x0200 512 Chest
10 0x0400 1024 Miscellaneous
11 0x0800 2048 Expool (databases)
12 0x1000 4096 Not Used
13 0x2000 8182 Not Used
14 0x4000 16384 Missile
15 0x8000 32768 Cloud

Here are values necessary for manipulating monsters, items and the party inventory slots.

For potions, you will get an &type value that includes the power (eg 200 powered DES potion = 80000 + 512 + 200 = 80712). In order to identify a potion type, you need to strip the power rating from it. This is made harder by the +80000 for potiontype. Easiest to us '&type L80000 &% L256 &/' and then compare the basic potion type number directly (so for the DES potion, number recovered = 2). This wil not be necessary for water/empty flasks (0 will be power number associated - eg 85120 for empty flask)

04 Rat
05 Ruster
06 Screamer
07 Rockpile
08 Ghost/Rive
09 Golem
10 Mummy
11 Flame
12 Skeleton
13 Couatl
14 Vexirk
15 Worm
16 Blue ogre/Antman
17 Wasp/Muncher
18 Knight
19 Zytaz
20 Water elemental
21 Oitu
22 Demon
23 Lord Chaos
24 Dragon
25 Lord Order
26 Grey Lord

weapon_EyeOfTime = 0,
weapon_StormRing = 1,
weapon_Torch = 2,
weapon_Flamitt = 3,
weapon_StaffOfClaws = 4,
weapon_Storm = 5,
weapon_RaBlade = 6,
weapon_TheFirestaffA= 7,
weapon_Dagger = 8,
weapon_Falchion = 9,
weapon_Sword = 10,
weapon_Rapier = 11,
weapon_Biter = 12,
weapon_SamuraiSword = 13,
weapon_SideSplitter = 14,
weapon_DiamondEdge = 15,
weapon_VorpalBlade = 16,
weapon_DragonFang = 17,
weapon_Axe = 18,
weapon_Executioner = 19,
weapon_Mace = 20,
weapon_MaceOfOrder = 21,
weapon_Morningstar = 22,
weapon_Club = 23,
weapon_StoneClub = 24,
weapon_ClawBow = 25,
weapon_Crossbow = 26,
weapon_Arrow = 27,
weapon_Slayer = 28,
weapon_Sling = 29,
weapon_Rock = 30,
weapon_PoisonDart = 31,
weapon_ThrowingStar = 32,
weapon_Stick = 33,
weapon_Staff = 34,
weapon_Wand = 35,
weapon_TeoWand = 36,
weapon_YewStaff = 37,
weapon_StaffOfIrra = 38,
weapon_CrossOfNeta = 39,
weapon_SerpentStaff = 40,
weapon_DragonSpit = 41,
weapon_SceptreOfLyf = 42,
weapon_HornOfFear = 43,
weapon_Speedbow = 44,
weapon_TheFirestaffB= 45

clothing_Cape = 0,
clothing_CloakOfNight = 1,
clothing_TatteredPants = 2,
clothing_Sandals = 3,
clothing_LeatherBoots = 4,
clothing_TatteredShirt = 5,
clothing_Robe = 6,
clothing_FineRobeA = 7,
clothing_FineRobeB = 8,
clothing_Kirtle = 9,
clothing_SilkShirt = 10,
clothing_Tabard = 11,
clothing_Gunna = 12,
clothing_ElvenDoublet = 13,
clothing_ElvenHuke = 14,
clothing_ElvenBoots = 15,
clothing_LeatherJerkin = 16,
clothing_LeatherPants = 17,
clothing_SuedeBoots = 18,
clothing_BluePants = 19,
clothing_Tunic = 20,
clothing_Ghi = 21,
clothing_GhiTrousers = 22,
clothing_Calista = 23,
clothing_CrownOfNerra = 24,
clothing_BezerkerHelm = 25,
clothing_Helmet = 26,
clothing_Basinet = 27,
clothing_NetaShield = 28,
clothing_CrystalShield = 29,
clothing_WoodenShield = 30,
clothing_SmallShield = 31,
clothing_MailAketon = 32,
clothing_LegMail = 33,
clothing_MithralAketon = 34,
clothing_MithralMail = 35,
clothing_CasqueNCoif = 36,
clothing_Hosen = 37,
clothing_Armet = 38,
clothing_TorsoPlate = 39,
clothing_LegPlate = 40,
clothing_FootPlate = 41,
clothing_SarShield = 42,
clothing_HelmOfRa = 43,
clothing_PlateOfRa = 44,
clothing_PoleynOfRa = 45,
clothing_GreaveOfRa = 46,
clothing_ShieldOfRa = 47,
clothing_DragonHelm = 48,
clothing_DragonPlate = 49,
clothing_DragonPoleyn = 50,
clothing_DragonGreave = 51,
clothing_DragonShield = 52,
clothing_Dexhelm = 53,
clothing_Flamebain = 54,
clothing_PowerTowers = 55,
clothing_BootsOfSpeed = 56,
clothing_Halter = 57


(Strength: +0 to +255)
potion_MonPotionA = 0,->0
potion_UmPotion = 1,->256
potion_DesPotion = 2,->512
potion_VenPotion = 3,->768
potion_SarPotion = 4,->1024
potion_ZoPotion = 5,->1280
potion_RosPotion = 6,->1536
potion_KuPotion = 7,->1792
potion_DanePotion = 8,->2048
potion_NetaPotion = 9,->2304
potion_AntiVenin = 10,->2560
potion_MonPotionB = 11,->2816
potion_YaPotion = 12,->3072
potion_EEPotion = 13,->3328
potion_ViPotion = 14,->3584
potion_WaterFlask = 15,->3840
potion_KathBomb = 16,->4096
potion_PewBomb = 17,->5352
potion_RaBomb = 18,->4608
potion_FulBomb = 19,->4864
potion_EmptyFlask = 20,->5120


MISCTYPE + 100 000
misc_Compass = 0,
misc_Waterskin = 1,
misc_JewelSymal = 2,
misc_Illumulet = 3,
misc_Ashes = 4,
misc_BonesOfHero = 5, //value = character index
misc_SarCoin = 6,
misc_SilverCoin = 7,
misc_GorCoin = 8,
misc_IronKey = 9,
misc_KeyOfB = 10,
misc_SolidKey = 11,
misc_SquareKey = 12,
misc_TourquoiseKey = 13,
misc_CrossKey = 14,
misc_OnyxKey = 15,
misc_SkeletonKey = 16,
misc_GoldKey = 17,
misc_WingedKey = 18,
misc_TopazKey = 19,
misc_SapphireKey = 20,
misc_EmeraldKey = 21,
misc_RubyKey = 22,
misc_RaKey = 23,
misc_MasterKey = 24,
misc_Boulder = 25,
misc_BlueGem = 26,
misc_OrangeGem = 27,
misc_GreenGem = 28,
misc_Apple = 29,
misc_Corn = 30,
misc_Bread = 31,
misc_Cheese = 32,
misc_ScreamerSlice = 33,
misc_WormRound = 34,
misc_Shank = 35,
misc_DragonSteak = 36,
misc_GemOfAges = 37,
misc_EkkhardCross = 38,
misc_Moonstone = 39,
misc_TheHellion = 40,
misc_PendantFeral = 41,
misc_MagicalBoxA = 42,
misc_MagicalBoxB = 43,
misc_MirrorOfDawn = 44,
misc_Rope = 45,
misc_RabbitsFoot = 46,
misc_Corbum = 47,
misc_Choker = 48,
misc_LockPicks = 49,
misc_Magnifier = 50,
misc_ZokathraSpell = 51,
misc_Bones = 52

Fireball = 0
Dispel = 3
Poison = 7
Death = 40
Fluxcage = 50,

Left hand = 0
Right hand = 1
Head = 2
Body = 3
Legs = 4
Feet = 5
Pouch (bottom) = 6
Quiver (top right position) = 7
Quiver (bottom left - right) = 8,9
Neck = 10
Pouch (top) = 11
Quiver (symbol position) = 12
Backpack (symbol position) = 13
Backpack (top row) left - right = 14 - 21
Backpack (remaining bottom row left - right) = 22 - 29

================================================== OBJECT TYPES =============================
obj_first = 0,
obj_Compass_N = 0, //0 0
obj_FirstModifiableObject = obj_Compass_N,
obj_Compass_E, //1 1
obj_Compass_S, //2 2
obj_Compass_W, //3 3
obj_Torch_a, //4 4
obj_Torch_b, //5 5
obj_Torch_c, //6 6
obj_Torch_d, //7 7
obj_Waterskin, //8 8
obj_Water, //9 9
obj_JewelSymal_a, //0a 10
obj_JewelSymal_b, //0b 11
obj_Illumulet_a, //0c 12
obj_Illumulet_b, //0d
obj_Flamitt_a, //0e
obj_Flamitt_b, //0f
obj_EyeOfTime_a, //10
obj_EyeOfTime_b, //11
obj_StormRing_a, //12
obj_StormRing_b, //13
obj_StaffOfClaws_a, //14 20
obj_StaffOfClaws_b, //15 21
obj_StaffOfClaws_c, //16 22
obj_Storm_a, //17
obj_Storm_b, //18
obj_RABlade_a, //19
obj_RABlade_b, //1a
obj_TheFirestaff_a, //1b
obj_TheFirestaff_b, //1c
obj_TheFirestaff_c, //1d
obj_OpenScroll, //1e
obj_Scroll, //1f
obj_LastModifiableObject = obj_Scroll,
obj_Dagger, //20 32
obj_Falchion, //21 33
obj_Sword, //22 34
obj_Rapier, //23 35
obj_Biter, //24 36
obj_SamuraiSword, //25 37
obj_SideSplitter, //26 38
obj_DiamondEdge, //27 39
obj_VorpalBlade, //28 40
obj_DragonFang, //29 41
obj_Axe, //2a
obj_Executioner, //2b
obj_Mace, //2c
obj_MaceOfOrder, //2d 45
obj_Morningstar, //2e
obj_Club, //2f
obj_StoneClub, //30
obj_ClawBow, //31
obj_Crossbow, //32
obj_Arrow, //33
obj_Slayer, //34
obj_Sling, //35
obj_Rock, //36
obj_PoisonDart, //37
obj_ThrowingStar, //38
obj_Stick, //39
obj_Staff, //3a 58
obj_Wand, //3b 59
obj_TeoWand, //3c 60
obj_YewStaff, //3d 61
obj_StaffOfIrra, //3e 62
obj_CrossOfNeta, //3f 63
obj_SerpentStaff, //40 64
obj_DragonSpit, //41 65
obj_SceptreOfLyf, //42 66
obj_TatteredShirt, //43
obj_FineRobe_a, //44
obj_Kirtle, //45
obj_SilkShirt, //46
obj_ElvenDoublet, //47
obj_LeatherJerkin, //48
obj_Tunic, //49
obj_Ghi, //4a
obj_MailAketon, //4b
obj_MithralAketon, //4c
obj_TorsoPlate, //4d
obj_PlateOfRa, //4e
obj_DragonPlate, //4f
obj_Cape, //50 80
obj_CloakOfNight, //51 81
obj_TatteredPants, //52 82
obj_Robe, //53 83
obj_FineRobe_b, //54 84
obj_Tabard, //55 85
obj_Gunna, //56
obj_ElvenHuke, //57
obj_LeatherPants, //58
obj_BluePants, //59
obj_GhiTrousers, //5a
obj_LegMail, //5b
obj_MithralMail, //5c
obj_LegPlate, //5d
obj_PoleynOfRa, //5e
obj_DragonPoleyn, //5f
obj_BezerkerHelm, //60
obj_Helmet, //61
obj_Basinet, //62
obj_CasqueNCoif, //63
obj_Armet, //64 100
obj_HelmOfRa, //65 101
obj_DragonHelm, //66 102
obj_Calista, //67 103
obj_CrownOfNerra, //68 104
obj_NetaShield, //69
obj_CrystalShield, //6a
obj_SmallShield, //6b
obj_WoodenShield, //6c
obj_SarShield, //6d
obj_ShieldOfRa, //6e
obj_DragonShield, //6f
obj_Sandals, //70
obj_SuedeBoots, //71
obj_LeatherBoots, //72
obj_Hosen, //73
obj_FootPlate, //74
obj_GreaveOfRa, //75
obj_DragonGreave, //76
obj_ElvenBoots, //77
obj_GemOfAges, //78
obj_EkkhardCross, //79
obj_Moonstone, //7a 122
obj_TheHellion, //7b 123
obj_PendantFeral, //7c 124
obj_SarCoin, //7d 125
obj_SilverCoin, //7e 126
obj_GorCoin, //7f 127
obj_Boulder, //80 128
obj_BlueGem, //81 129
obj_OrangeGem, //82 130
obj_GreenGem, //83 131
obj_MagicalBox_a, //84 132
obj_MagicalBox_b, //85 133
obj_MirrorOfDawn, //86 134
obj_HornOfFear, //87 135
obj_Rope, //88 136
obj_RabbitsFoot, //89 137
obj_Corbum, //8a 138
obj_Choker, //8b 139
obj_Dexhelm, //8c 140
obj_Flamebain, //8d 141
obj_Powertowers, //8e 142
obj_Speedbow, //8f
obj_Chest, //90
obj_OpenChest, //91
obj_Ashes, //92
obj_Bones_a, //93
obj_MonPotion_a, //94
obj_FirstFullFlask = obj_MonPotion_a,
obj_UmPotion, //95
obj_DesPotion, //96
obj_VenPotion, //97
obj_SarPotion, //98
obj_ZoPotion, //99
obj_RosPotion, //9a
obj_KuPotion, //9b
obj_DanePotion, //9c
obj_NetaPotion, //9d
obj_AntiVenin, //9e
obj_MonPotion_b, //9f
obj_YaPotion, //a0 160
obj_EePotion, //a1
obj_ViPotion, //a2
obj_WaterFlask, //a3
obj_LastFullFlask = obj_WaterFlask,
obj_KathBomb, //a4
obj_PewBomb, //a5
obj_RaBomb, //a6
obj_FulBomb, //a7
obj_Apple, //a8 168
obj_Corn, //a9 169
obj_Bread, //aa 170
obj_Cheese, //ab 171
obj_ScreamerSlice, //ac 172
obj_WormRound, //ad 173
obj_Shank, //ae 174
obj_DragonSteak, //af 175
obj_IronKey, //b0 176
obj_FirstKey = obj_IronKey,
obj_KeyOfB, //b1 177
obj_SolidKey, //b2 178
obj_SquareKey, //b3 179
obj_TourquoiseKey, //b4
obj_CrossKey, //b5
obj_OnyxKey, //b6
obj_SkeletonKey, //b7
obj_GoldKey, //b8
obj_WingedKey, //b9
obj_TopazKey, //ba
obj_SapphireKey, //bb
obj_EmeraldKey, //bc
obj_RubyKey, //bd
obj_RaKey, //be
obj_MasterKey, //bf
obj_LastKey = obj_MasterKey,
obj_LockPicks, //c0 192
obj_Magnifier, //c1
obj_BootsOfSpeed, //c2
obj_EmptyFlask, //c3
obj_Halter, //c4
obj_ZokathraSpell, //c5
obj_Bones_b, //c6
obj_Special_a, //c7
obj_Special_b, //c8
obj_Special_c, //c9
obj_Special_d, //ca 202
obj_Special_e, //cb 203
obj_Special_f, //cc 204
obj_Special_g, //cd 205
obj_Special_h, //ce 206
obj_Special_i, //cf 207
obj_Special_j, //d0 208
obj_Special_k, //d1
obj_Special_l, //d2
obj_Special_m, //d3
obj_Special_n, //d4
obj_last = obj_Special_n,
obj_NotAnObject = 0xff

************************* Built-in Sounds **********************************

Can be sued with &SOUND, for example. All are negative numbers.
0 No sound
-1 Dropped dagger
-2 Switch
-3 Door
-4 Dragon snarl
-5 Wall tapping
-6 Fireball
-7 Party scream
-8 Mummy scream
-9 Gulp
-10 Oof
-11 Ugh
-12 Snipped sound
-13 Ugh
-14 Zap
-15 Screamer
-16 Scorpion
-17 Swoosh
-18 Teleport
-19 Wall ugh
-20 Worm roar
-21 Explosion
-22 Giggler

Spells ( Such as a Fireball in a Missile)

Code Name Decimal Hexadecimal









RNffe4 =Vi Altar



















