&PARTY@ ( index n ... )
Party Fetch
index is place to put the resulting variables in the array.
n is the number of variable to fetch.
The variables are:
result[0] = NumCharacter; Number of characters in the party. Includes
dead members.
result[1] = partyLevel; The dungeon level
result[2] = partyX; The column relative to the level's left edge. Does
not include level offset.
result[3] = partyY; The row relative to the
level's top edge. Does not include level offset.
result[4] = partyFacing; 0=N; 1=E, 2=S, 3=W
result[5] = PartySleeping; 0 = no.
result[6] = SeeThruWalls; 0 = no
result[7] = MagicFootprintsActive; 0 = no
result[8] = HandChar; Which party member (0 to 3) is holing the
result[9] = Invisible; 0 = no
result[10]= FireShield; value. Big is better.
result[11]= SpellShield; value. Big is better.
&CHAR@ (char# index n ... )
&CHAR@ (fingerprint index n ... )
&CHAR! (char# index n ... )
Character Fetch
char# 0 to 3 ( or 4 to indicate the 'Lead Character' )
index is where to put results in array (or where the new values are)
n is number of variables to fetch (or number to store)
The variables are: (* means store is implemented)
result[0] = facing
result[1] = *food (store is limited to -1023 through 2048)
result[2] = *hit points (store is limited to 0 through MaxHP)
result[3] = load
result[4] = *mana (store is limited to 0 through 900)
result[5] = ouches ; A bit mask of body parts damaged.
result[6] = position
result[7] = shieldStrength
result[8] = *stamina (store is limited to 0 through MaxStamina)
result[9] = *water (store is limited to -1023 through 2048)
results [10] through [16] are encoded in four 8-bit bytes: zero, minimum,
maximum, current
result[10] = Luck
result[11] = Strength
result[12] = Dexterity
result[13] = Wisdom
result[14] = Vitality
result[15] = Anti-Magic
result[16] = Anti-Fire
results[17] through [56] are two words for each of the 20 skills.
0 and 4-7 =Fighter
1 and 8-11 =Ninja
2 and 12-15=Priest
3 and 16-19=Wizard
result[57] = fingerprint of character (botton 16 bits of location of
defining text)
result[58] = *32-bit mask of talents (actually can be used for any
purpose the designed pleases!)