Skin2code.txt shows, to me, the routine for
drawing the entire screen. I don't understand how skin2code works if
there is only one cell in the viewport that is of skin2, and the rest
are of skin0.
Here is a long story of how the skin business is implemented.
When the viewport is about to be drawn, the following things happen:
- The original DM ceiling, floor, and black middle backgrounds are
- A summary is created for each of the 21 cells that can be seen by
the party. Information about each of the 21 cells is gathered
into 21 'Room Summay' packets. Each packet contains the cell type
(stone, pit, teleporter, etc.), the decoration and text to be displayed
on the nearest three walls of the cell, the decoration to be displayed
on the floor of the cell, the list of the cell's contents, the relative
position of the cell, the cell's x- and y-coordinates, the skin number
for that cell, etc.
- The packets are examined in order starting with relative cell
0. If it has a non-zero skin then we look for user code for that
skin. At the end of the user code for that skin is a table that
contains 21*8 entries. 168 entries. Each entry tells how to
draw one of the eight cell types at one of the 21 relative cell
locations. So, in your example, if relative cell 7 is a pit and
has skin type 2 ( and all the other cells are skin type 0) then, when
we examine relative cell 7 we will find code for skin type 2. At
the end of Skin2Code we look in the table at the end of the code and
execute ONLY the function that draws pits in relative cell 7.
None of the other functions will be called. Just the one.
For all the other cells, the (internal) functions for Skin0 will be
- The user code can gather information from the 'Room Summary'
packet to influence how it draws that single cell type in that single
relative cell location.
Note that in this example, the function for pits at relative cell 7
gets executed. But there is nothing that prevents that code from
drawing whatever it pleases. If it wants to black out the screen
and draw a picture of a Bald Eagle filling the entire viewport, there
is nothing to stop it. So you could, in principle, provide a
SINGLE function that gets called for all cell types and all relative
cell numbers and sort it all out yourself as to what should be drawn in
the entire viewport. But using the built-in 'CASE-LIKE'
capability makes things easier to manage, IMHO.