Revision 2/19Nov2003. Portraits have become very complicated. Important notes: In this text..... 'CPA' means 'Champion Portrait Actuator' 'portrait' means a picture of a champion (eg. Halk) 'graphic' means, for example, a CoinSlot or PictureFrame. 1) When a champion is revived (resurrected or reincarnated) a 'Disable' message is issued for the location and position occupied by the CPA. This Disable message causes ALL actuators at that location/position (And/Or-Gates, Counters, Pushbuttons, CPAs, etc.) to be set to 'Disabled'. The Disable message can be stopped by an Active or Inactive CPA with 'Block Disables' set. It works like this: a)The first Active CPA in the list is disabled. This is the CPA from which the champion was revived. If this CPA has 'Block Disables' set then we are all done; otherwise go step b). b)The list is scanned and ALL actuators are disabled until the end of the list is encountered or a CPA with 'Block Disables' is encountered. If such a CPA is found, then it is disabled and the scan ceases. 2) A CPA can cause ordinary 'Set', Clear' and 'Toggle' messages to be sent to its own location when it receives a 'Disable' message (see note 1 above). Only an 'Active' CPA can cause this. If there are multiple active CPAs then multiple messages can be created. THe message will be sent to the position (north, east, south, or west) as specified in the Edit Champion Portrait dialog. 3) A CPA can respond to ordinary 'Set', Clear' and 'Toggle' messages sent to its location/position. The CPA will respond in either the Active or Inactive state. The response consists of setting, clearing, or toggling any combination of the 'Active' state, the 'Show Portrait' state, and the 'Show Graphic' state. 4) The portrait shown on the wall will be the portrait of the last LAST Active or Inactive CPA that has 'Show Portrait' set. 5) The graphic shown on the wall will be the graphic associated with the LAST actuator. This includes Active and Inactive CPAs. However, CPAs without 'Show Graphic' will be ignored. 6) The champion selected will be the one associated with the FIRST CPA which is 'Active'. 7) In order to select a champion it is necessary that a graphic be displayed. A portrait (or external portrait) will NOT suffice. The position of the graphic determines the spot on the wall that you must touch to revive a champion. The portrait (if any) is not sensitive to touch. To make the portrait appear sensitive you must hide a graphic behind it. 8) When both a portrait and a graphic appear on a wall, the graphic is drawn first and the portrait is drawn over it. 9) Portraits are only drawn on the wall directly in front of the party. This is neither a feature nor a bug. That is just the way it is and would be quite difficult to change. 10) Portraits are always drawn at the height of the standard picture frame. This is neither a feature nor a bug. see 9).